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Find the Best Doctor for You by Asking the Right Questions

Whether you've just moved or are parting ways with your current physician, doctor shopping may be tough. Once you've narrowed it down to a few options based on your insurance needs, it's time to ask the doctor — and the doctor's office — a few questions. Here are some things you should consider asking the doctor's office before you schedule that first visit:

  • Who will see you if your doctor is not available? If the doctor is part of a group practice, normally you have an easy backup choice.
  • Does this doctor have any special training or certifications? If you have a pre-existing condition, it might be beneficial if your doctor has experience in treating it.
  • With what hospital is the doctor associated? Asking this question can help you avoid having a disconnect from your primary care doctor should you be hospitalized.
  • Can you get x-rays, lab work, and other tests done in the office, or must you travel to a lab? With a busy, modern lifestyle, this may be an important question.

After you meet the doctor for the first time, there are also questions you might want to ask yourself. If you answer "no" to any of these, then you may want to keep looking:

  • Did you feel comfortable at all times? Were the doctor and office personnel friendly and helpful?
  • Did the doctor listen to you, or did they seem rushed?
  • Did you have enough time to discuss everything you needed to?
  • Did the doctor explain any tough terminology in a way you could easily understand?

It may be a trial-and-error method choosing the right doctor but remember that your healthcare is worth.