2025 Transparency Notice
A) Non-network Liability and Balance Billing
The Ambetter network is the group of providers, including but not limited to physicians, hospitals, pharmacies, other facilities and health care professionals, we contract with to provide care for you. If a provider is in our network, services are covered by your health insurance plan. Network providers may not bill you for covered expenses beyond your applicable cost sharing amounts (e.g., copayment, coinsurance, and/or a deductible).
If you receive services from a provider that is non-network, you may have to pay more for services you receive. Non-network providers may be permitted to bill you for the difference between what your plan agreed to pay and the full amount charged for a service. This is called “balance billing.” This amount is likely more than network costs for the same service and might not count toward your annual maximum out-of-pocket limit.
When receiving care at an Ambetter network facility, it is possible that some hospital-based providers may not be network providers. If you provide notice and consent to waive balance billing protections, you may be responsible for payment of all or part of the balance bill. Any amount you are obligated to pay to the non-network provider in excess of the eligible expense will not apply to your deductible amount or maximum out-of-pocket amount.
As a member of Ambetter, non-network providers should not bill you for covered services for any amount greater than your applicable network cost sharing responsibilities when:
- Emergency services provided to a member, as well as services provided after the member is stabilized unless the member gave notice and consent to be balance billed for the post-stabilization services;
- Non-emergency health care services provided to a member at a network hospital or at a network ambulatory surgical center unless if member gave notice and consent pursuant to the federal No Surprises Act to be balance billed by the non-network provider; or
- Air ambulance services provided to a member by a non-network provider. You will only be responsible for paying your member cost share for these services, which is calculated as if you had received the services from a network provider and is based on the recognized amount as defined in applicable law. If you are balance billed for any of the above services, contact Member Services immediately at the number listed on the back of your member identification card.
B) Enrollee Claim Submission
Providers will typically submit claims on your behalf, but sometimes you may need to submit claims yourself for covered services. This may happen if your provider is not contracted with us.
If you have paid for services we agreed to cover, you can request reimbursement for the amount you paid, less any deductible, copayment or cost sharing that is your financial responsibility. We must receive notice of claim within 30 calendar days of the date the loss began or as soon as reasonably possible.
To request reimbursement for a covered service, you need a copy of the detailed claim or bill from the provider. You also need to submit a copy of the Member Reimbursement Medical Claim Form (PDF) posted on our website at www.ambetterofnorthcarolina.com under “Member Resources.” Send all the documentation to us at the following address:
Ambetter of North Carolina Inc.Attn: Claims Department
P.O. Box 5010
Farmington, MO 63640-5010
After getting your claim, we will let you know we have received it, begin an investigation and request all items necessary to resolve the claim. We will do this in 30 business days or less.
We will notify you, in writing, that we have either accepted or rejected your claim for processing within 30 business days as well. If we are unable to come to a decision about your claim within 30 business days, we will let you know and explain why we need additional time.
We will accept or reject your claim no later than 30 calendar days after we receive it. If we reject your claim, the notice will state the reason why. If we agree to pay all or part of your claim, we will pay it no later than the 30 days after the notice has been made.
C) Grace Periods and Claims Pending
If you don’t pay your premium by its due date, you’ll enter a grace period. This is the extra time we give you to pay.
During your grace period, you will still have coverage. However, if you don’t pay before a grace period ends, you run the risk of losing your coverage. During a grace period, we may hold — or pend — your claim payment.
If your coverage is terminated for not paying your premium, you won’t be eligible to enroll with us again until Open Enrollment or a Special Enrollment period.
If you receive a subsidy payment
After you pay your first bill, you have a three month grace period. During the first month of your grace period, we will keep paying claims for covered services you receive. If you continue to receive services during the second and third months of your grace period, we may hold these claims. If your coverage is in the second or third month of a grace period, we will notify you and your healthcare providers about the possibility of denied claims.
If you don’t receive a subsidy payment
After you pay your first bill, you have a grace period of 60 calendar days. During this time, we will continue to cover your care, but we may hold your claims. We will notify the member of the non-payment of premiums, as well as providers of the possibility of denied claims.
D) Retroactive Denials
"Retroactive denial of a previously paid claim" or "retroactive denial of payment" means any attempt by a carrier retroactively to collect payments already made to a provider with respect to a claim by reducing other payments currently owed to the provider, by withholding or setting off against future payments, or in any other manner reducing or affecting the future claim payments to the provider.
There are instances where claims may be denied retroactively if you received services from a provider or facility that is not in our network, terminate coverage with Ambetter, provide late notification of other coverage due to new coverage, or have a change in circumstance, such as divorce or marriage. This causes Ambetter of North Carolina Inc. to request recoupment of payment from the provider.
You can avoid retroactive denials by paying your premiums on time and in full, and making sure you talk to your provider about whether the service performed is a covered benefit. You can also avoid retroactive denials by obtaining your medical services from an in-network provider.
If you believe the denial is in error, you are encouraged to contact the Member Services Department by calling the number on your ID card.
E) Recoupment of Overpayments
If you believe you have paid too much for your premium and should receive a refund, please contact Member Services immediately at the number listed on the back of your member identification card. Refunds are processed by two methods, electronically or by a manual check. The type of refund that is issued is dependent on the method of payment. Payments made with a debit/credit card via e-Cashiering, interactive voice response (IVR) system, auto pay, member portal as well as credit card payments sent to our lockbox vendor will be refunded via e-Cashiering. Payments made via e-Check will also be refunded electronically. Payments made by check to our lockbox vendor and payments that were processed in-house at our Little Rock location must be refunded manually via live check.
F) Medical Necessity and Prior Authorization
Services are only covered if they are medically necessary. Medically necessary services are those that are:
Provided for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition, illness, injury, or disease; and except as allowed for clinical trials under G.S. 58-3-255, not for experimental, investigational, or cosmetic purposes;
- Necessary for and appropriate to the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition, illness, injury, disease, or its symptoms;
- Within generally accepted standards of medical care in the community; and
- Not solely for the convenience of the member, the member’s family, or the provider.
For medically necessary services, nothing in this definition precludes us from comparing the cost-effectiveness of alternative services or supplies when determining which of the services or supplies will be covered.
Charges incurred for not medically necessary services are not eligible expenses.
Some covered service expenses (medical and behavioral health) require prior authorization as more fully detailed in the Schedule of Benefits. In general, for services that require prior authorization, network providers must obtain authorization from us prior to providing a service or supply to a member. However, there are some network eligible service expenses for which you must obtain the prior authorization.
For services or supplies that require prior authorization, as shown on the Schedule of Benefits, you must obtain authorization from us before you or your dependent member:
- Receive a service or supply from a non-network provider;
- Are admitted into a network facility by a non-network provider; or
- Receive a service or supply from a network provider to which you or your dependent member were referred to by a non-network provider.
Pursuant to the federal No Surprises Act, emergency services received from a non-network provider are covered services without prior authorization.
Prior authorization requests must be received by phone/e-fax/Provider portal as follows:
- At least 5 calendar days prior to an elective admission as an inpatient in a hospital, skilled nursing, extended care facility or rehabilitation facility, residential treatment facility, or hospice facility.
- At least 30 calendar days prior to the initial evaluation for organ transplant services.
- At least 30 calendar days prior to receiving clinical trial services.
- Within 24 hours of any inpatient admission, including emergent inpatient admissions.
- At least 5 calendar days prior to the start of home health care, except those members needing home health care after hospital discharge.
After prior authorization has been received, we will notify you and your Provider if the request has been approved as follows:
- For urgent concurrent review within one calendar day of receipt of the request.
- For urgent prospective, within three calendar days) from date of receipt of request.
- For non-urgent prospective requests within three business days of receipt of all necessary information.
- For post-service requests, with in 30 calendar days of receipt of the request.
In situations where additional information is needed to make a decision, these timeframes may be extended in accordance with applicable law.
You do not need to obtain prior authorization from us or from any other person (including your PCP) in order to obtain access to obstetrical or gynecological care from a medical practitioner in our network who specializes in obstetrics or gynecology. The medical practitioner, however, may be required to comply with certain procedures, including obtaining prior authorization for certain services, following a pre-approved treatment plan or procedures for making referrals. For a list of participating medical practitioners who specialize in obstetrics or gynecology, contact Member Services.
Failure to Obtain Prior Authorization
Failure to comply with the prior authorization requirements will result in benefits being reduced.
Network providers cannot bill you for services for which they fail to obtain prior authorization as required.
In cases of emergency services, benefits will not be reduced for failure to comply with prior authorization requirements. However, you must contact us as soon as reasonably possible after you receive the emergency services.
G) Drug Exceptions Timeframes and Enrollee Responsibilities
Sometimes members need access to drugs that are not listed on the formulary. Members or provider can submit a drug exception request to us by contacting Member Services or by sending a written request to the following address:
Ambetter of North Carolina
Attn: Member Services
200 E. Randolph Street, Suite 3600
Chicago, IL 60601
Standard exception request
A member, a member’s authorized representative or a member’s prescribing physician may request a standard review of a decision that a drug is not covered by the plan or a protocol exception for step therapy. Within 72 hours of the request being received, we will provide the member, the member’s authorized representative or the member’s prescribing physician with our coverage determination. Should the standard exception request or step therapy protocol exception request be granted, we will provide coverage of the non-formulary drug for the duration of the prescription, including refills, or of the drug that is the subject of the protocol exception.
Expedited exception request
A member, a member’s authorized representative or a member’s prescribing physician may request an expedited review based on exigent circumstances. Exigent circumstances exist when a member is suffering from a health condition that may seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life, health, or ability to regain maximum function or when an member is undergoing a current course of treatment using a non-formulary drug. The request can be made in writing or via telephone. Within 24 hours of the request being received, we will provide the member, the member’s authorized representative or the member’s prescribing physician with our coverage determination. Should the expedited exception or step therapy protocol exception request be granted, we will provide coverage of the non-formulary drug or the drug that is the subject of the protocol exception for the duration of the exigency.
External exception request review
If we deny a request for a standard exception or for an expedited exception, the member, the member’s authorized representative or the member’s prescribing physician may request that the original exception request and subsequent denial of such request be reviewed by an independent review organization. We will make our determination on the external exception request and notify the member, the member’s authorized representative or the member’s prescribing physician of our coverage determination no later than 72 hours following receipt of the request, if the original request was a standard exception, and no later than 24 hours following its receipt of the request, if the original request was an expedited exception.
If we grant an external exception review of a standard exception or step therapy protocol exception request, we will provide coverage of the non-formulary drug or the drug that is the subject of the protocol exception for the duration of the prescription. If we grant an external exception review of an expedited exception request, we will provide coverage of the non-formulary drug or the drug that is the subject of the protocol exception for the duration of the exigency.
H) Information on Explanations of Benefits
An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is a statement that we send to members to explain what medical treatments and/or services we paid for on behalf of a member. This shows the amount billed by the provider, the issuer’s payment, and the enrollee’s financial responsibility pursuant to the terms of the policy. We will send an EOB to a member after we receive and adjudicate a claim on your behalf from a provider. If you need assistance interpreting your Explanation of Benefits, please contact Member Services.
I) Coordination of Benefits
Due to North Carolina Law, Ambetter does not coordinate benefits with other commercial plans.
However, coordination with Medicare may be required to avoid duplication of benefits when Ambetter members who become eligible for and enroll in Medicare.
This provision describes how we coordinate and pay benefits when a member is also enrolled in Medicare and duplication of coverage occurs. If a member is not enrolled in Medicare or receiving benefits, there is no duplication of coverage and we do not have to coordinate with Medicare.
The benefits under the policy are not intended to duplicate any benefits to which members are entitled under Medicare.
Medicare primary/secondary payer guidelines and regulations will determine primary/secondary payer status and will be adjudicated by us as set forth in this section. In cases where Medicare or another government program has primary responsibility, Medicare benefits will be taken into account for any member who is enrolled for Medicare. This will be done before the benefits under this health plan are calculated. When Medicare, Part A and Part B or Part C is primary, Medicare's allowable amount is the highest allowable expense.
When a person is eligible for Medicare benefits and Medicare is deemed to be the primary payer under Medicare secondary payer guidelines and regulations, we will reduce our payment by the Medicare primary payment and pay as secondary up to the Medicare allowable amount. However, under no circumstances will this plan pay more than it would have paid if it had been the primary plan.
Charges for services used to satisfy a member’s Medicare Part B deductible will be applied in the order received by us. Two or more expenses for services received at the same time will be applied starting with the largest first.
This provision will apply to the maximum extent permitted by federal or state law. We will not reduce the benefits due any member because of a member's eligibility for Medicare where federal law requires that we determine its benefits for that member without regard to the benefits available under Medicare.
Members may no longer be eligible to receive a premium subsidy for the Health Insurance Marketplace plan once Medicare coverage becomes effective.