Your Better Health Center - Benefits of Routine Lab Work

Benefits of Routine Lab Work

Routine lab work (blood and urine tests) can make sure your medication and dosage are working right for you! Some examples of medications that require lab work include:

  • Blood thinners (warfarin)
  • Diabetes medicines (insulin)
  • Some seizure medicines 
  • Heart medicine (digoxin)
  • Some antidepressants

Each of us is different, and we respond to medication differently. For example, a dose of warfarin, a blood thinner to prevent blood clots, may be effective for one person but not the next. The same goes for heart medicines, seizure drugs, and others. That’s why following up with scheduled blood testing is so important to keep you in the best of health. 

Talk to Your Doctor

When starting any medication, there are some good questions you may want to ask your doctor:

  1. What is this medication supposed to treat?
  2. How will I know if it’s working?
  3. What side effects should I watch for?
  4. Does this medication require lab work to get the best dosage?
  5. If so, how often should lab tests be done?

Take charge of your health! Friendly reminder to schedule lab work for your prescription.



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